Friday, February 26, 2010

Reviews in public schools

I agree with this article from the Boston globe, but failing to review teachers and not letting go of the ones who don’t know what they are doing doesn’t stop in Boston, this is a problem all around the country. There are incompetent teachers in schools all around this country. The article says that by some estimates there are about 10 to 15 percent of teachers in a typical large school district lack the expertise, temperament or classroom skills to be an effective educator. If a student gets at least three of them in their time in school there chances of getting into a good university isn’t very good. The student’s graders will be bad, and they won’t know how to succeed in a university setting. With the school administration saying they already have tools in place to remove these teachers, if so why haven’t they done it already? There are plenty of good teachers and students graduating from a university that are looking for a job. It isn’t that hard to remove the worst of teachers, the article says that if a teacher gets two or more negative evaluations and has been give help on how to improve their teaching style and don’t change the school administration can dismiss them and find someone else more suitable for the job, and they aren’t doing it as often as they should be. This is a problem that is effecting the next generation of people that will one day be expected to lead this country in the further.

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